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Pastoral Update

To All Participants in Fountain Vineyard

Hi Friends

These are days to dream new dreams!!

The evil one wants us to shrink and fear.

The faithfulness of the Father draws us continuously to live as pioneers. He makes all things new.


Most significantly we are called to pursue the transformation of discipleship!! This is at the very heart of why we exist at all, to be followers of Jesus, becoming like Him.

I recognize a growing passion for discipleship over the next five years of our life together in Fountain Vineyard. If I am asked 'What's your vision?' I honestly respond that we might know, follow and become like Jesus.

I encourage everyone of us to be disciples/learners of Jesus and to make disciples of others.


It is particularly significant that we have felt led of Him to build the Eden Life Centre. This serves three purposes:

1. Offering Healing and support to people whose lives have been ravaged, strained and Wounded in these days. Loving Biblical wisdom is being offered to help people do life better.

2. Enhancing Children's Ministry as a priority area.

3. Good Stewardship of our facilities.

Join us as we celebrate the opening of this Centre on 5 September.


We continue to navigate our way through the Covid19 Lockdown challenges. At this stage our upcoming Vision and Values weekend(10-12 September) followed by the Healthy Church Vineyard SA National Conference (16-19 September) are still on track. Please pray with us for these events.


It's such a privilege to serve and to do so sacrificially. In these Lockdown days we so readily lean into self preservation. Yet our call is to be salt and light, to show the Grace and Truth that Jesus brings.

Wouter van der Westhuizen and I were talking last week about the need for a library at Elukulweni School. Any volunteers or resources? Please contact Wouter (+27824542772).

One more thing:


I had Covid19 in October 2020.

In February 2021 I was vaccinated with the J&J vaccine.

Many people have asked me as a leader of Fountain Vineyard as to my views on these things.

I want to share my views on this with the genuine hope and request that it is not used as a cause of division. Our unity is in Christ and can carry diversity. As such it is nurtured by maturity.

My Thoughts:

1. It is logical. It makes sense. Just as maneuvers prepare troops for real battles, so do vaccinations help equip us for health wars.

2. It may not prevent further infections but it will help in varying measures to combat the severity.

3. I felt the Lord encourage me by reminding me of what He told His disciples that even if they drank deadly poison it will not harm them (Mark 16). For me this was an invitation to a simple faith step.

4. I believe a focus on conspiracy theories, fake news and fear factors is both unhealthy and unbiblical. Vaccination is not the mark of the beast. That is a reference to the effect of humanism. Healthy Eschatology (end times thinking) should in any case result in encouragement not fear, suspicion or alienation.

Paul concludes his teaching on this subject with these words:

"Therefore encourage one another with these words".

1 Thessalonians 4:18

Victory over satan according to Revelation 12:11 is as follows:

"They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death".

POSITION: Justified by faith in the blood of Jesus.

PASSION: The testimony of our lives.

PURPOSE: Serving the Lord no matter the cost.

5. I believe that vaccinations will help us to help each other by lowering the risk of rampant infection.

6. I believe that we should cooperate with leadership and reserve expressions of civil disobedience for obviously unethical demands.

Hebrews 13:17:

"Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you".

7. I recognize that vaccination is enabling easier passage for travel which is important to the work to which I am called.

I hope this helps.






Sunday Mornings: 09h00

Sunday Evenings: 18h30

22 Newcombe Avenue

Walmer Heights

Port Elizabeth, South Africa

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041 367 1100

Tuesday - Friday

08h15 - 14h00

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